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OKX to list HMSTR (Hamster Kombat) for spot trading and deliver pre-market futures for HMSTR crypto

OKX is pleased to announce the listing of HMSTR (Hamster Kombat) on our spot trading market on Sep 26. The exact schedule will be announced separately.

Project Introduction

Hamster Kombat is a tap-to-earn game mixed with a crypto exchange simulator. In Hamster Kombat, players are the CEO of an up-and-coming crypto exchange, and it’s their job to grow the exchange to new heights never before seen. in the world of hamsters. In order to do so, players tap a golden coin to earn coins, and then use those coins to buy upgrades for their exchange.

Asset name: Hamster Kombat

Ticker: HMSTR

Delivery of pre-market futures for HMSTR crypto

We are pleased to announce that USDT-margined pre-market futures for HMSTR will be delivered on Sep 25, 2024. The exact schedule will be announced separately. The details are as follows:

Delivery price

Actual delivery price = The average index price over the last hour before delivery, calculated every 200 milliseconds (ms) (Index price = Last price every 200 milliseconds).

Estimated delivery price = Rolling average index price over the last hour before delivery, calculated every 200 milliseconds (Index price = Last price every 200 milliseconds).

OKX reserves the right to include prices from other exchanges as part of the index components.

2. Position limits:

To reduce delivery risk, within the hour before pre-market futures delivery, users can no longer increase their positions and can only make the following closing orders or reverse orders to reduce their positions.

Hedge mode: place a closing order.

One-way mode: place a reduce-only order, or place a reverse order/pending order with quantity no greater than current position. If the quantity of accumulated reverse orders (including pending orders) is greater than the current position, then no new reduce-only orders can be placed. Please check pending orders before placing a new one.

Risk reminder: Prices in the pre-market futures are determined by market behavior and is not an indicator of fair market value. Pre-market contracts will be delivered before listing, and the market may fluctuate sharply before delivery. Users should stay informed about market conditions, exercise risk control, and trade cautiously.

3. Settlement fees

The settlement fee is 1%, subject to adjustment as announced.

4. Price limits

After pre-market contract generation:

Highest price of buy order = Average mid price of the past hour × (1 + 15%)

Lowest price of sell order = Average mid price of the past hour × (1 – 15%)

Within 60 minutes before delivery:

Highest price of buy order = Average mid price of the past hour × (1 + 5%)

Lowest price of sell order = Average mid price of the past hour × (1 – 5%)

Mid price = (Best bid price + Best ask price) / 2. Price limits are calculated every minute.

OKX will deliver futures contracts and terminate the relevant trades. Relevant orders on the order book will also be canceled after the delivery.

OKX will deliver futures contract positions at corresponding contract's arithmetic average last traded price timed at 1 hour prior to the delivery.

If the traded price displays abnormalities in the hour preceding the delivery, OKX may adjust the final delivery price to a reasonable level for delivery.

Within the first 30 minutes after the delivery, if you hold positions greater than 10,000 USD in value in HMSTRUSDT futures contracts at the time of delivery, you will be restricted from transferring assets out of your trading account.

Asset transfers will return to normal after 30 minutes. Order history and billing records will still be available after the delivery. If you need to backup your data, you may download it via Report Center on OKX web.


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