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Willie Ong's Battle with Sarcoma: A Story of Hope, Faith, and Strength

Filipino cardiologist and health advocate, Willie Ong, who previously ran for vice president in the 2022 national elections, revealed on Saturday, September 14, that he has been diagnosed with sarcoma cancer in his stomach and is currently undergoing chemotherapy.

Ong, who is receiving treatment abroad, shared on his official YouTube channel that after the 2022 elections, he continued his usual activities, such as vlogging, community service, and medical missions. Initially, he thought his symptoms—like shortness of breath and difficulty swallowing—were just signs of aging, and even gave advice on social media about common issues faced by people nearing their 60s.

However, by October 2023, he noticed a significant change in his condition, particularly with severe back pain that spread from his lower back upward, which alarmed him. By mid-August 2024, he admitted himself to a hospital in Manila due to worsening back pain and a swollen abdomen.

"It suddenly hurt so much. The pain was unbearable—the worst pain of my life," Ong said, rating it a 10 out of 10. He described his nights as sleepless and full of tears, enduring excruciating pain from night until dawn.

Sitting and praying constantly, Ong recounted the agony, likening it to being stabbed in the back with a knife. Initially thinking it was just a body spasm due to the lack of visible signs, tests later revealed a 16-centimeter tumor pressing against his heart and compressing his esophagus, which made swallowing difficult.

Sarcomas, as explained by the National Foundation for Cancer Research, are cancers that originate in bones, muscles, connective tissues, blood vessels, or fat and can develop anywhere in the body. Although rare, sarcomas represent less than 1% of adult cancers and 20% of childhood cancers.

Ong expressed relief at receiving treatment abroad due to the swift availability of test results, acknowledging that the delay in getting results in the Philippines would have been unbearable for him. Despite the challenges, he remains hopeful, placing his faith in a possible miracle.

In his public updates, Ong emphasized the importance of staying positive amid his battle with sarcoma and maintaining faith. He shared that his deep love for Filipinos and his frustrations over false accusations caused him immense stress, which he believes contributed to his condition.

Despite the difficulty in treating sarcoma, Ong holds on to hope, saying that he continues to see visions of healing. "I know there is a God, and I know my life has a purpose," he shared.

Grateful for the support he has received, Ong urged his followers to continue praying and to practice love, forgiveness, and compassion within their families. He called on them to avoid anger and focus on resolving conflicts.

"If God grants me a miraculous healing for my 16 cm sarcoma, I will dedicate the rest of my life to fighting for the poor in our country," Ong vowed in a Facebook post on Sunday, September 15.

Ong became well-known for offering medical advice through social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube. He ran for Senate in 2019 and again in 2022 as the vice-presidential candidate alongside former Manila Mayor Isko Moreno, but he was unsuccessful in both elections.


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